The Center for Fathers and Families (CFF), a local nonprofit organization founded in 1994, developed the MASTERS (Making After School Time Enriching, Rewarding, and Successful) Expanded Learning Program in 2007. Partnerships with local districts and schools have created strong after school programs that provide students with:
Literacy and Academic Enrichment
Sports and Recreation
STEM and STEAM Enrichment Activities
Health and Wellness Education, including Healthy Behaviors
Hands on Mentoring
We provide safe, constructive alternatives for students in K-8th grade. MASTERS school sites currently operate in the Natomas Unified School District, Sacramento City Unified School District and Twin Rivers Unified School District.
(Making After School Time Enriching, Rewarding & Successful)
The MASTERS Expanded Learning Program is currently offered at twelve Twin Rivers Unified School District schools (Allison, Castori, Fairbanks, Hagginwood, Hazel Strauch, Northwood, Norwood JHS, Pioneer, and Smythe Academy K-6); three schools in the Natomas Unified School District (Bannon Creek, Jefferson and Natomas Middle School) and four in Sacramento City Unified School District (Father Keith B. Kenny, H.W. Harkness, Isador Cohen and New Joseph Bonnheim).
Our Goal: To help increase academic achievement of youth while providing a safe and productive learning environment during the expanded learning hours. Our program is set up to develop the child’s sense of independence, responsibility and self-worth. We desire to strengthen each child’s cultural identity, while instilling a respect for others who may be different. Empowering students to be academically successful is a vital component of the MASTERS program.
Program Enrollment: MASTERS is FREE and enrollment is based on a first come, first serve basis. MASTERS begins immediately after school and is open Monday-Friday each day that regular school is in session. When the site has a shortened or minimum day, our program starts as soon as students are released from school and ends at the usual time. The second to the last week of school is open enrollment for all students who attend or will be attending the school for the upcoming year. Completed applications are turned in to the Site Coordinator on scheduled times and days. Once a grade level is full, students are placed on a wait list – which will be posted in the front office and updated regularly. Enrollment flyers are handed out to every student who attends the school a month before school ends.
Program Components (activities vary by school site):
Read Across America in honor of Dr. Suess’ birthday
Supper meal
Homework assistance
English Language Arts and Math activities aligned to school day curriculum
Read Aloud sessions
Independent reading time (100 Book Challenge for K-1st and Accelerated Reader for 2nd – 8th where available)
SPARK (Sports, Play, Active Recreation for Kids)
Computer intervention programs
Character Counts and Second Step
Enrichment and Visual Performing Arts
Cup Stacking
Health and Wellness programs
MASTERS Sports League (Soccer, basketball, flag football and cheerleading)
Attendance Policy:
Students participating in MASTERS are required to attend all portions of the program, including all academic and enrichment activities. 5 excused and 3 unexcused absences are allowed each trimester. Excused absences such as illness, personal of family crisis must have an appropriate note from the parent, guardian, or doctor. Parents/Guardians are responsible to notify the MASTERS staff by phone or in person if the student attended school but for some reason will be absent for program.
Behavior Policy: All of the school rules also apply in the MASTERS After School Program. If the student(s) does not follow the program’s behavior and classroom rules, consequences will apply. Based upon the severity of the behavioral issue, CFF has the authority to enforce the necessary consequences.
Discipline: Participation in the MASTERS Program is on an initial 20-day probationary period. Students must be able to get along with others and adhere to behavior and classroom rules. It is also necessary for parents/guardians to conduct themselves in a respectful and mature manner when at the MASTERS Program. Acceptable behavior is required to insure continued participation throughout the enrollment period. If dis-enrollment occurs, a six-month waiting period must pass before re-enrollment can occur, on a space available basis.
Parent/Guardian Involvement and Support: Parents/guardians are always welcome to come and participate with their child during program hours. Accommodations must be arranged in advance.
For any questions regarding the MASTERS After School Program contact:
School Sites:​
Allison Elelmentary
Cameo Williams
Castori Eelemntary
Shinie Vue
916- 529-3202
Madison Elementary
Safiya Rayford
Oakdale School
Kapria Hebert
Smythe Elementary
Alondra Romo
Jefferson School
Veno Goff
(916) 273-2199
H. Allen Hight Elementary
Amarpreet Phul
(916) 273-0662
Heredia-Arriaga School
Esbeydi Mendoza
(916) 490-7958
Natomas Middle School
Isaac Glaze
(916) 890-4747
Gisella Huerta
(916) 694-4311
New Joseph Bonnheim
Stephanie Sheets
(916) 890-5179
Oak Ridge
Regina Brown
(916) 738-5316
(MASTERS) After School Program
Parent Co-Parenting Support, Taming your Temper, One on One Sessions, Court & CPS Approved.
Upcoming Youth Events
Be sure to check in periodically for upcoming events and new event announcements.
Youth Sports Programs
Many of our youth don't have access to basic nutrition information & cannot afford the high costs associated with athletics.